Therefore, all the capital stock index futures is a big risk.
所以, 把所有资本投入股指期货风险是很大的.
互联网The stock index's weighting for the total equity of listed companies.
互联网Buffett's answer: a low - cost stock index fund with a company like Vanguard.
巴菲特回答: (购买)象先锋集团那样的公司(发行的)较低费用的指数基金.
互联网Today, interest rate and stock index futures attract the greatest volume.
金融期货, (例如利率及股价指数期货)是当前成交量最大的期货品种.
互联网Now, several years of preparation of stock index futures was the want.
现在, 准备数年的股指期货终于要破茧而出了.
互联网Margin as business and stock index futures can promote each other.
互联网We have basic condition to pour stock index futures transaction now.
互联网The S & P 500 - stock index, heavy with financials, is up 18 % this year.
互联网Margin and short mechanisms, such as stock index futures are linked package.
融资融券和做空机制 、 股指期货等是配套联在一起的.
互联网But what does a Stock Index Futures SIF contract buy or sell?
互联网When the volatile Nikkei stock index plunged 3.9 % last Monday.
互联网Standard & Poor's 500 stock index this quarter decreased by 12.8 % cumulative.
互联网When the stock index falls, the stock value drops.
当股票指数下跌时, 股票就不值钱了.
互联网Today, the three affected lines Dikaigaozou stock index led the rebound.
互联网Stock index option is an option form based on stock index.
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